Get net new prospects whenever you need them - without moving a finger
Get new leads delivered to your inbox on autopilot
Get new leads from lists, saved searches, or intent reports sent to your inbox daily, weekly, or as needed without manual effort.
Automate email outreach based on 16+ selling signals
Automate your entire email process from sourcing contact lists, and verifying emails to delivering personalized emails based on funding and 18 other signals.
Automate new lead search and export to CRM
Import new contact lists straight into Salesforce, HubSpot or Zoho. Exclude existing contacts and export contacts either as leads or contacts.
Prep contact lists for outbound calls automatically
Auto-prep contact lists enriched with mobile numbers only for outbound calls on a daily, weekly, or as needed basis
Distribute and assign new leads to sales reps without effort
Automate the distribution of new contacts to specific SDRs, either via email or within your CRM daily, weekly, or as required.
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